Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Is Coming To An End

No photos this time just an update. I must admit that it does feel odd for me to not show off any pictures, sigh!

First, thanks to my wonderful daughter, Kass, for changing my Blog background. Suddenly my memory cannot seem to remember how to change these blasted things. I hate memory loss. Anyway, thanks so much sweetie, I obviously couldn't do this without you.

School is going to start just here in a week or two here in Idaho. The summer has gone by so quickly this year. Of course, with the strange weather this year, it hasn't felt like summer until the last 5 or 6 weeks. I've enjoyed my summer though. I've been blessed to do fun activities with my children and grandchildren. We been swimming a few times, went to Lagoon for a day, went to the parks, played on a slip and slide here at my house (thanks Kris) and many other fun events. I've also been blessed by spending one on one time with my Dad who so graciously came and visited me in June. We also went to Shoshone Falls, which I had never been to, and were just amazed at the beauty.

I am now working on the edging of Jace May's baby blanket (hope I spelled it right Kass!). It's two pinks combined together and will be perfect size for crib usage. Seeings how she will be born in winter, this blanket is guaranteed to keep her warm.

I have been thrilled to teach Kass how to can green beans. I can't explain the joy of passing on a skill that is becoming a lost way of life. To know that the kids will be eating beans this summer that they grew in their own garden is very satisfying. We hope to have enough tomatoes to can those also, and hopefully some peaches. I think next year we will work on pickles! Yum! Kris, if you want in on any of this just let us know. The more the merrier.

I've got to get back to work from my lunch hour. I hope all of you have been able to enjoy your summer with friends and family as much as I have.

Love and God Bless


Soccer Mom said...

I can't believe summer is over! We are hoping to have enough tomotatoes to do a BIG batch of salsa!!!!

Deb said...

i just love seeing everyone's pictures having fun. the decorating of these blogs is so cool; just like scrap booking online... you have always been good at that. I have alot to learn on facebook. not sure I will blog yet. in the meantime, keep it up..... i really enjoy it!!